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The Role of Batterers' Treatment in Recidivism by Domestic Violence Offenders by Elizabeth Green, MSW

This study examines the role of a batterers’ treatment program relative to other factors that influence the likelihood that a domestic violence offender will be arrested for further violence. It also addresses factors that best predicted attrition from the program. This study can be used to inform program efforts to increase retention by targeting interventions targeted to those at highest risk of dropping out and by improving cultural responsiveness.


Research Summary: The Role of Batterers' Treatment in Recidivism by Domestic Violence Offenders by Elizabeth Green, MSW

This is a summary from the findings of Elizabeth Green's research.


The Fiscal Cost of Domestic Violence by Margaret Herbert, BSW

This flowchart examines the fiscal cost of domestic violence in the State of Alaska regarding the offender, victim and child.


Summary: Legal system response to first time and re-offending domestic violence defendants: results and implications by Lisa Hay, MFA, MSW, LCSW


Fairbanks Therapy Associates

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